Harp on Sports

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Rex and The Renegades

"Loud Noises"
For two decades we have waited.   Four different men have held the office of the presidency.   We have witnessed the cloning of a sheep, two major wars, and the emergence of green energy.   In the Universe of Sport we have seen the Yankees, Lakers, and Patriots all put together mini-dynasties.   There has been a lot of changes and numerous big things come and go.  But after two decades the wait is over.   So often we see villains as individuals in sports.  In the 60's and 70's Muhammad Ali was the angst of middle America.  In the 80's Mike Tyson made everyone feel uncomfortable with Detroit Pistons throwing their hat in the ring.  Since then we have had "villains" pop up now and then but there was no staying power.  Now we have a new bad guy.  We actually have a bunch of them.  They are called the New York Jets and I for one love it.  

"So you felt disrespected? Huh?"
Rex Ryan talks, and he talks and he talks.   Teddy Roosevelt once said "You should speak softly and carry a big stick."  Ryan couldn't disagree with that philosophy more.   Ryan speaks loudly while telling you what you can do with that stick.  His players follow his lead.  Whether it is Shonn Greene pretending to sleep on the ball in the endzone after scoring a touchdown or Bart Scott going berserk on Sal Palantonio, Rex's Renegades follow his lead at 250 mph.  They are like Helio Castroneves coming out of turn four in Indianapolis. They have his back and he has theirs. 

How many teams have the mental and physical make up to go on the road for three straight weeks and beat Peyton Manning, Tom Brady, and maybe Ben Roethlisberger? The amazing thing about the Jets is that Ryan has them convinced that America has it in for them.  He has them believing that no one ever gives them a chance to win.  He has them 100% certain that they are Duke and that they are being treated like they are Duquesne.   They love being the team that you love to hate.  They enjoy taking pot shots at anyone and everyone that they can.   It is safe to say that the Jets have become the villain of the sports world and that is a good thing.  Sports is better when its traditional powers are good, superstars are flashy and its bad guys know that they are the bad guys.   The Jets not only embrace the role, it was meant for them.  

The most fascinating thing to me about the Jets is that their quarterback seems to be the most like able guy of the bunch.  If a team is disliked by the majority of American sports fans the QB is usually public enemy number one.   I have heard numerous people express their displeasure for Rex Ryan.   Quite a few people don't like Santonio Holmes.  Bart Scott has joined Ryan and Holmes as a polarizing figure.  If I have ever heard anyone say one bad thing about Mark Sanchez and his behavior I have forgotten what was said.  He is the quite steady post-season leader that a team like that needs.   You can have a bunch of emotional crazies but you need a calming influence.  Mark Sanchez fits that role.   In fact the biggest criticism I have heard of Sanchez is that he is a pretty boy that didn't need to pose for GQ.   He got to take half naked pictures with Hilary Rhoda all day.  That day may have been his biggest win of all.

The question remains what will their staying power be? 

"Guys, don't change a thing."
Even winning dynasties don't last more than a decade.  Ali gave us a little over 10 years.  Tyson gave us about decade as well.  The Pistons gave us just a couple of years.   So do what I am going to do.   I am going to enjoy Rex and the Jets for what they are: outlandish, arrogant, self-aggrandizing, strong, opinionated, juvenile, self-righteous, and most importantly....entertaining. 

So for how long can Rex and the Renegades keep this up?  For all of our sake the longer, the better.

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